New contact rules
Restrictions on public life are again in effect. The aim of the rules is to prevent infection with the virus and thus slow down its spread. Those who do not comply with the rules face severe penalties. The more new infections per 100,000 inhabitants there were in the past seven days, the stricter the rules become.
General rules for contact between people:
- Meetings in their own homes or in public are allowed on two households to a maximum of five people. Children up to the age of 14 are not counted.
- Between December 23 (12 noon) and December 27 (12 noon), in addition to one's own household, a maximum of 4 people from the immediate circle of family and friends are allowed to meet. Children up to the age of 14 are not counted.
- In general, a minimum distance of 1.5 meters between two people must still be maintained. This applies indoors and outdoors.
- Between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., people may only leave their own accommodation for valid reasons. This includes, for example, going shopping, to work or to the doctor. Likewise, spouses and partners and needy and sick people may be visited. Sports, outdoor exercise and shopping may be done within 15 kilometers of the home.
- There are stricter curfew restrictions between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Valid reasons include going to work, emergencies, visiting spouses-living partners, and needy and sick people.
- Mouth-to-nose covering must be worn whenever people meet in public. Furthermore, in stores, shopping malls, public transport and stops, cabs, train stations, pedestrian areas, weekly markets and outdoor sales points, health facilities, banks and savings banks, churches and rooms of religious communities.
- The guest rooms of restaurants and pubs as well as their outdoor areas are temporarily closed. Guests are not allowed to sit down there. They are also not allowed to be served and consume drinks or food there. Restaurants and pubs may serve food and beverages only off the premises for pickup or delivery.
- Alcohol may not be served or consumed in public.
- Recreational facilities will be temporarily closed. These are theaters, museums, cinemas, zoos, amusement parks, music schools, sports venues, indoor swimming pools, saunas, spas, fitness studios, discotheques, casinos, betting shops and prostitution establishments.
- Body-related services are not allowed. This applies to massages and cosmetic treatments, but especially to prostitution. An exception is made for medically necessary medical treatments.
- Music events and concerts are currently not permitted.
- Tourist travel within Germany is currently prohibited. Hotels are not allowed to accept guests who wish to take a vacation.
- Congresses and trade fairs as well as public festivals and fairs are not allowed to take place. All events of this kind must be canceled.
Schools and kindergartens are closed. Emergency care will be provided under certain conditions.
Furthermore, the ordinance regulates visits to nursing homes and homes for the elderly, as well as hospitals and rehabilitation facilities.
Vulnerable groups should refrain from non-essential travel on public transportation. These include groups of people who are vulnerable due to their physical condition.
Questions and answers
Are family celebrations like birthdays allowed?
At home may meet members of their own household and another household - a maximum of five people. Or persons from own household and other households - maximum five persons.
Does the obligation to wear a mask also apply to children?
This obligation also applies to children from the age of six. In playgrounds only from the tenth year of age.
May I move to another apartment?
Yes, a move is possible. This may take place either in own performance or with a moving company. In the case of the moving company, the contact restrictions must be observed. In the case of own contribution, the restrictions apply to two households with a maximum of 5 persons.
Help for parents, students, teachers and educators
Decision-making aids for symptoms of illness in children and young people
Information about wearing a mouth-nose-cover
Information about wearing a mask and what exceptions there are
Decree of the Saxon Ministry of State
Here you will find the current Corona Protection Ordinance of the State of Saxony
Overview for parents, students, teachers and educators
Information on the closure of day care and schools
FAQ on the Corona Protection Ordinance
Here you will find the most important FAQs regarding the current Corona Protection Ordinance of the State of Saxony
Helpful Links

Land Sachsen
Main page of the Free State Things about Coronavirus