Financial aid

Of course, families have different entitlements, but the first priority is usually the financial security of the relatives. Starting a family costs money, which is why many young people postpone their desire to have children.
Individual circumstances, especially of families with many children, single parents and people or families with low income can lead to financial hardship. Governmental and non-governmental institutions are attempting to help to alleviate these problems with additional help.
Direct financial state subsidies are e.g:
- Unemployment benefit II as an increase
- housing benefit
- family recreation
- child supplement
- advance maintenance payments
- State specific e.g. the state child-raising benefit
There is also aid, such as tax breaks and allowances, which can have a positive impact. These include, for example:
- For a child living away from home who is undergoing vocational training, training allowances of € 924 are available
- As tax bonus relief amounts for single parents of zz. 1.308 €
- For civil servants, family allowances paid by the public employer
- For the Riester pension child allowance in the amount of zz. 185 € per year and child
- Reduction of the reasonable own burden
- School fees deductible as special edition
- Tax bonus for solidarity surcharge and church tax
- Depending on annual income (currently € 51,200 for couples/ € 25,600 for single people) Housing premium
- The unemployment benefit is 60 % for unemployed persons, for parents even 67 %.
Questions and answers
What is housing benefit?
Housing benefit is a subsidy for rent and heating costs. You can apply for this if your income is low. Housing benefit is only granted if no family member is already entitled to unemployment benefit 2. This also applies to benefits under the Vocational Training Assistance Act (BAföG) or the Vocational Training Act (BBiG).
Application for unemployment benefit II
Every person aged 15 and up to a fixed limit between 65 and 67 who is able to work has the right to this basic security benefit if they are in need of it. Please send the completed and signed application to your job centre.
Bundesagentur für Arbeit -
Application form for housing benefits
Tenants of residential space or owners of residential space can apply for a subsidy towards their housing expenses. The co-payment is income-dependent and only applies to people on low incomes.
To send to: Stadt Dresden, Abt. Wohngeld (Amt24 Government form service of the Federal State Saxony)
Change of income tax class of spouses or life partners (not permanently separated)
Life or spouses who are resident in the country, do not live permanently separated and receive both wages can, upon joint application, choose the combination III/V or instead the so-called factor method (IV/IV with factor) instead of the tax class combination IV/IV.
Complete the form and send it to: Tax office Dresden-Süd or Nord
ETL AG tax consulting company -
Helpful Links
Wage tax association for employees
Here you can get advice and help for your tax return.

Financial assistance for families in Saxony - Amt24
In the life situation portal of Office 24 of the State of Saxony you will find a lot of information about financial assistance for families.

Articles about services provided by the State - focus
The magazine Fokus provides detailed information on what benefits you and your family could receive from the state.

Information on financial assistance - Federal Employment Agency
Information on unemployment benefits I and II and other financial assistance.

How to apply for unemployment benefit II - Bundesagentur für Arbeit
If you cannot make a living from income, unemployment benefit or your assets, you can apply for unemployment benefit II (Alg II).
What is my reasonable own burden? -
The reasonable own burden is a major tax hurdle. Once this individual limit has been exceeded, you can deduct certain expenses. Here you can find out what these are and how you can influence them.
Jobcenter Mittelsachsen
Hainichener Straße 66 A
09648 Mittweida

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ)
Glinkastraße 24
10117 Berlin

SMS - Sächsisches Ministerium für Soziales und Verbraucherschutz
Albertstraße 10
01097 Dresden

SMWA - Sächsisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr
Wilhelm-Buck-Str. 2
01097 Dresden

Finanzamt Dresden-Süd/Nord
Rabenerstraße 1
01069 Dresden

Jobcenter Dresden
Budapester Straße 30
01069 Dresden
Lohnsteuerhilfe Alt-Dresden e.V.
Calvinstraße 7
01277 Dresden

Stadt Dresden, Abt. Wohngeld / Bildung und Teilhabe
Junghansstraße 2
01277 Dresden

Deutscher Familienverband - Landesverband Sachsen e. V.
Wartburgstraße 48
01309 Dresden