Arbeitslosen-Initiative Dresden e. V.
Unemployment Initiative Dresden e. V.
The Arbeitslosen-Initiative Dresden e. V. offers advice on the following topics:
- Labour law Employment and termination agreements
- assertion of outstanding wage or salary payments, dismissals, employer references
- Social Security Code || Unemployment Benefit || (Hartz|V)
- Exemption from the obligation to pay radio broadcasting fees
- (Secondary) income, assets, sanctions
- Oppositions and requests for review
- Social Security Code |||| Employment Promotion
- Unemployment benefit and insolvency benefit
- Rights and obligations in the event of entry/unemployment, suspension periods and oppositions
- Social Security Code X. Livelihood help.
Schäferstraße 3
01067 Dresden
Mon, Tue, Thu: 09:00 12:00 and 13:00 17:00
Wed, Fri: 09:00 13:00