Job interview
Have you aroused the interest of the employer to you with your application, you will be invited for an interview. Many people are afraid of this interview. It is the first personal contact to a potential new employer. You have to introduce and prove yourself there. For an interview, you are usually only invited if your application documents have already convinced.
Interviews are usually very individual and different. There are still things that you should always consider. A well-groomed, friendly appearance and punctuality are important. Try to be above all authentic, so if possible be yourself. You should prepare yourself, for example learn something about the company and your future job in the Internet. Also, bring an extra copy of your application documents.
Questions and answers
How can you get your nervousness under control?
You can prevent the pressure and nervousness before job interviews by having yourself prepared individually or by appropriate consultants. For example, in personal interviews, role plays, concentration exercises or simulated applications, tips for successful job interviews are offered - there are even online training options. The Federal Employment Agency, among others, provides information about possible offers of this kind.
Job interview Checklist
Detailed checklist for an interview
Internet & marketing services -
Helpful Links
Application tips of the city of Dresden -
Tips and hints on application procedure and application letter
Vocational information centres (BiZ) - Federal employment agency
Find help in the vocational information center in your area
Everything for a successful application -
Preparation - interview - follow-up
Tips for job interviews of the Federal State of Saxony -
The job interview usually represent the most important hurdle to the new job. Here are some helpful tips.
Preparing job interview -
Tips to be optimally prepared for a job interview
SMWA - Sächsisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr
Wilhelm-Buck-Str. 2
01097 Dresden
Agentur für Arbeit Dresden
Henriette-Heber-Straße 6
01069 Dresden
Bewerbung bei der Stadt Dresden
Rathaus, Dr.-Külz-Ring 19
01067 Dresden
Jobcenter Dresden
Budapester Str. 30
01069 Dresden
Stadt Dresden Fachkräfteallianz
Ammonstraße 74
01067 Dresden
IHK - Education Center Dresden gGmbH
Mügelner Straße 40
01237 Dresden
sowieso Kultur Beratung Bildung Frauen Für Frauen e. V.
Angelikastraße 1
01099 Dresden
VHS - Volkshochschule Dresden e.V.
Annenstraße 10
01067 Dresden