Green Dresden
Dresden is one of the cities in Germany and even in Europe with a very high proportion of green space. Especially in our fast moving times it is good to create a balance to reduce stress. What our parents used to say: Go out, it's good for you! - is now being documented bit by bit with scientific studies.
Dresden is one of the greenest cities in Europe with about 62 percent of its forest and green areas. Dresden lies in the Elbe valley between the heights in the northeast and the vineyards in the southwest. The river embedded in the Elbe meadows with their wide meadows runs like a belt through the city. Dresden still fits well into the whole picture of the beautiful Elbe landscape. This is due to the forward-looking urban planning which has ensured for centuries that the city can be perceived as part of the landscape.
The whole cityscape is characterized by different kinds of trees which line the streets. Numerous parks and green areas, cemeteries, allotments and playgrounds are part of the city green.
The Dresdner Heide in the north of the city is the largest contiguous forest area within Dresden. The first Stadtgrünaus private gardens developed in the 15th century. Tavern gardens and avenues form the first green elements with a public character. The avenues connected the city centre with the surrounding villages and served as a promenade for the citizens. Since 1820 there have been the first public green spaces on the former city fortifications.
Since 1870, a garden administration has been creating green spaces throughout the entire city with the function of recreation and upgrading the cityscape. Then sports and playgrounds were added and from 1890 small gardens were also created.
Although Dresden has now become a major city, it has remained a green city to this day thanks to its numerous green spaces.
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